The Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley has a 50+ year track record of helping the children of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley reach their full potential. The Club has twelve locations in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, reaching 4,500 children each year.

The Club’s seasonal arena soccer and basketball leagues are played at three locations: our Fountain Valley Kingston Branch at Mile Square Park, our Pacific Life Foundation Branch at Golden West College, and our Haynes Family Huntington Beach Branch on Delaware Street. More than 1,000 children play in our leagues each year, ranging in age from preschoolers through teens.


Sports Leagues

  1. Fountain Valley Kingston Branch at 16582 Brookhurst Street near Mile Square Park.
  2. Pacific Life Foundation Branch at 15645 Gothard Street located on campus at Golden West College.
  3. Haynes Family Huntington Beach Branch 2309 Delaware Street.

Our Sports Leagues Opportunities

Find out more about our Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball Sports Leagues.