August 17, 2024
Schedule of Events
- 5:30pm Registration Opens & Dinner Served
Taco Bar Dinner
Ice Cream Cart by Fountain Valley Grocery Outlet - 6:00pm Presentation of Scholarships
Kelly Osborn Foundation
Hyundai Motor America
Dr. Paul Berger – Kiwanis Scholarship - 6:15pm Bowling Practice
- 6:30pm Tournament Begins – 3 Games
Regular 10 Pin
9 Pin “No-Tap”
8 Pin “No-Tap” - 7:30pm Raffle Winners Announced & Silent Auction Closes
- 8:00pm Bowling Awards Presented
1st & 2nd Place Teams
High Score, Men and Women - Auction item pickup available at the event or from 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday, August 19 -23 at the Club’s Pacific Life Foundation Branch at Golden West College, 15645 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach
You can help the kids at the Boys & Girls Club and help the Kiwanis Club make a difference in our community:
- Register to bowl or make a cash donation
- Donate items for the online auction
- Bid in the online auction, open from August 9 to August 17th at 7:30pm. You’ll be able to bid from your phone, tablet, or computer.
- Buy a raffle ticket. $25 gets you a 1 in 196 chance to win a $1,000 Amazon gift card!

Thank You!
As always, proceeds from the Pins for Kids Bowling Tournament are shared between the Boys & Girls Club and the Kiwanis Club, so this is your chance to help TWO great organizations in our community.
You’ll help give thousands of children access to the Boys & Girls Club’s award-winning programs, like after school care, full day programs during the summer, sports leagues, and lots more. And, through the Kiwanis Club, you’ll support charity projects throughout the community, like Robyne’s Nest, Therapeutic Riding Center of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, Orangewood Children’s Home, and Kiwanis Club’s own projects like giving college scholarships, working with youth at local high schools, providing clothing essentials for disadvantaged children, and much more.